Sunday, July 26, 2015

My First Experience with Bandcamp

Back in 2014, Gladys, my fellow Michael Cera lovin' sister, directed my attention to Cera's Bandcamp. "True That" was therefore my first bandcamp purchase. Fast-forward to 2015, I'm sitting in my room, nauseous from jet-lag--and bandcamp delivers auditory jet-lag pills. 

Trio (3 tracks) | HSK 
Despite having distinctive, rumbling personalities, each song seamlessly pours into the next. I strongly recommend this one. If jazz had a rebel child, this might just be it. (Top Pick: E.S.P.)

The Grid (Featuring Four)  (11 tracks) | The Grid 
The Grid is an album that is...all over the place, in the best of ways. It feels like I'm exploring 11, unique, curated spaces within the span of a single album. Take a listen. (Top Picks: Unanimous Decision, Got to Be)

Sleet (8 tracks) | My Home, Sinking 
Sleet...I could go on forever about Sleet. Folky, surprisingly warm, and sharp in all the right places--it's my muse this year--I can feel it. Sleet is naturally a winter album, but I'm weird and I like it in the summer as well. (Top Picks: Sleet, Sheperd's).

According to a merchant(?) site:

“Sleet” is a pastoral fable with a resolutely vulnerable core – a ’60s folk narrative echoing through modern classical and ambient music. Enrico Coniglio evokes the cadenced ghosts of My Home, Sinking with the aid of Natalia Drepina, Katie English, Peter Gallo, Piero Bittolo Bon and Giovanni Natoli. The fading Morriconian memories of “Sleet” evolve through a languid structured homage to Italian songwriters, embellished by weaving flute, cello, vibraphone, duduk and drums, like a prayer for human tragedy to a deaf and distant cosmos. The story of a young virgin woman and a miraculous gift is reinterpreted amongst the cobwebs of fragmentary mellotron, orchestral samples, pads of noises and manipulated field recordings." 

Did I mention there's a limited-edition casette tape you can order for it?

"Lovingly reel-to-reel mastered by Ian Hawgood, the album unspools its vintage heart from an audiocassette presented in craft paper, brambles and letter-pressed cover designed by Giacomo Vianello and realized by Marco Brunello at Cartiera Clandestina. Coming with dried brambles in a small pergamino paper bag. Hand numbered envelopes."


In general, Bandcamp's pretty cool. Follow me at bandcamp at!

CREDITS: Album art taken from the respective artists' Bandcamp shops.

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